Welcome to One Mind

One-Mind is a group of like minded people who came together to promote youth empowerment in USA through cultural familiarization and enrich young minds in various perspective via technology, craft, culture and diversity. One-Mind started out in 2023 with just a few people coming together to do what they love. Little did they know that it would grow into the thriving Asian Culture Group it is today. Our dedicated members enjoy meeting often for different events and activities. Passion and enthusiasm go hand-in-hand with everything we do. Our door is always open to new members, no matter their experience level. We are proud to bring together people from all Aurora, Naperville and beyond. Come join us at our next event — we’d love to share all that One-Mind has to offer!

Our mission in ONE MIND(OM) is Service, Sacraments and Harmony. To know more, get in touch contact@onemind.org